Asthmatic Wheezing Resolved:
A BioMagScience Case Study

BIA - Parallel Capacitance Body Composition Report # 080305AD


The subject has asthma since birth. The night before the test, she had an exposure to mold, dust, animal dander from the building she was sleeping in. She awoke in the night having difficulty breathing and administered her inhaler and went back to sleep. This test was done approximately seven hours later. She awoke wheezing and congested.

Test Comments:

After 15 min. Meridian Energizing Therapy -

Date Time / Status Actual CAP (pico Farads)
3-Aug-05 Pre-Therapy 648
3-Aug-05 Post-Therapy 658

Conclusion to increased parallel capacitance Subject 080305AD

By immediately increasing [stimulating] and balancing the electromotive energy of the entire body through the nervous system, (the neural carrier system) synaptic connections were re-established so that the body’s functions could normalize. The Meridian Energizing Therapy is referenced in Peter Kulish’s book “Conquering Pain, the Art of Healing with Biomagnetism.”

This application may impact genetic disturbances such as miasms. More studies are being gathered from this work in Taiwan, China, the Philippines as well as ongoing research including US and Venezuela. A study is underway with ALS and the healing impact of electromagnetic energy on the effect of neuro-toxins.

Subject 080305AD

BIA Results: Female Name: Subject 080305AD
Height in:   61.5 Date: September 6, 2005 1:15:31 PM
Weight lb: 110 Database: C:/ProgramFiles/RJLSystems/
Age: 59 Subject ID: 080305AD
Ideal weight:  : 107.5 lb Record date 18-Aug-05
BMI: 20.45 Template:    FNA_style.tmpl
Phase angle: 5.8 BIA tests: 2, template tables: 1
Resistance: 669 Reactance:  68 ohms
Equation Set: Cyprus/FNA

Capacitance (pico Farads) Cell health based on parallel capacitance
Above 1009  Extremely healthy
774-1008 Optimal health
617-773 Average
460-616 Below average
304-459 Low energy
Below 303 Warning alert